13 - 14.03.2025 Varšava Sajam

Franchise Fair 2025

PGE Narodowy Stadium Palata kulture i nauke, Varšava Organizator: Franchising.pl / PROFIT system Kontakt: PROFIT system +381 69 3044046 office@bojanavukovic.com franczyza.pl

Sajam franšiza u Varšavi najveće je franšizno dešavanje u Centralnoj i Istočnoj Evropi, i jedan od najvećih sajmova franšiza u Evropi. Ove godine organizuje se po 20. put. Tri dana sajma, više od 200 brendova i više od 7.000 posetilaca čine ga najboljim mestom za uvid u aktuelnu franšiznu ponudu ovog dela Evrope.

Iako prvenstveno namenjen tržištu Poljske, sajam privlači veliki broj izlagača i posetioca iz inostranstva, a dobar deo stranih brendova/izlagača već sada je spreman i za širenje i na tržišta ovog regiona.

Svim posetiocima iz ove regije pružamo i posebnu pogodnost: besplatne ulaznice i podršku na samom sajmu.

Participation price: 50 zł Url to purchase: bilet.franczyza.pl/
03 - 03.04.2025 Budapesta Sajam

Franchise Expo Budapest 2025

Lurdy Ház 1097 Budapest, Könyves Kálmán krt. 12-14., Budapesta Organizator: Asociația Maghiară de Franciză Kontakt: Tamás Milla +36 20 802 7196 tmilla@franchising.hu franchise.hu

Asociația Maghiară de Francize organizează încă o expoziție de franciză - singura din Ungaria. Evenimentul va avea loc în inima Budapestei, pe o suprafață de 920 de metri pătrați, cu peste 40 de mărci.

Participation price: 2000 Ft Url to purchase: franchiseexpo.hu/
23 - 25.04.2025 Warsaw trening

Franchise Business Academy: sale a franchise

PROFIT system office/online Brazownicza 16, Warsaw Organizator: PROFIT system +48 22 560 80 20 akademia@franczyza.eu franczyza.eu/

Course lasts for 3 days (each about 8 hours) and covers following subjects:

  • Basics of Sandler's methodology in selling franchises;
  • Effective management of information flow;
  • Strategies for acquiring candidates for franchisees;
  • Sales Process Control Tools;
  • Innovative Approach to the Relationship with the Candidate;
  • Diagnostics of the Candidate's Needs and Pains;
  • Managing the Candidate's Budget and Decision-making Process;
  • Effective Presentation of the Franchise Offer;
  • Finalization of the Franchise Sales Process.
Participation price: 4.612,50 zł Url to purchase: franchising.pl/koszyk/327/zakupy/akademia-franczyzy-sprzedaz-franczyzy/
29 - 30.05.2025 Warsaw konferencije

Best Franchise - conference of Polish Franchise Organization

NYX Hotel Warsaw Chmielna 71, Warsaw Organizator: Polska Organizacja Franczyzodawców Kontakt: Magdalena Kurda 605550845 pof@franczyza.org.pl franczyza.org.pl/

Konferencja Liderów Franczyzy BEST FRANCHISE od lat ma opinię miejsca, gdzie odbywają się najciekawsze wykłady i warsztaty o franczyzie i zarządzaniu. Wydarzenie to także okazja dla przedsiębiorców do wymiany doświadczeń oraz integracji wewnątrz środowiska franczyzy.

05 - 06.06.2025 Warsaw trening

Franchise Business Academy: starting and developing a franchise

PROFIT system office/online Brazownicza 16, Warsaw Organizator: PROFIT system +48 22 560 80 20 akademia@franczyza.eu franczyza.eu/

Course lasts for 2 days (each about 6 hours) and covers following subjects:

  • Creating of development strategy
  • Defining the rules for cooperation with a franchisee
  • Financial aspects of the cooperation
  • How to present a franchise offer?
  • Recruitment of the partners
  • International development

Join and find out how to franchise successfully.

Participation price: 738 zł Url to purchase: franchising.pl/koszyk/294/zakupy/akademia-franczyzy-tworzenie-rozwoj-franczyzy/